Class “AppHttpControllersAdminController” not found in Laravel 8
Class “AppHttpControllersAdminController” not found in laravel 8
Class “AppHttpControllersAdminController” not found in laravel 8
A tutorial on converting date time ago to an elapsed string like 30 minutes ago, 1 day ago, or 2 days ago using PHP.
The tutorials explains use of the count function as an aggregate function in Laravel with code examples of different cases.
Here we show how to change verify email template in Laravel with code examples and locations to file where you need to make changes.
Laravel date set time zone or change returning datetime time zone to recalculate with user time zone, and set time zone dynamically
The Carbon API’s function to convert and format date with time zone based on the user’s current time zone with code snippets
Carbon PHP API explanation and how you can add and use the package in your Laravel application with code examples
Carbon PHP API use to convert a date from d-m-y to y-m-d or any other one format to another with code snippets…
The ways to define an application’s locale and get the current locale being used through the Carbon PHP API
The tutorial explains how to define a case inside a Laravel query using the DB::raw method in Laravel with code examples.