How to use a stored procedure in Laravel

Stored procedures can help handle complex database structures. They may work like an API for the database. The Models in Laravel’s MVC data structure can handle one-to-one database structures. Therefore, to handle complex database operations we can use stored procedures in Laravel.

Use of Stored Procedure in Laravel

Step 1: Create a Stored Procedure

Firstly, we need to create a Stored Procedure in PHPMyAdmin. You can then use the DB facade as an import on top of your Controller or Model Class as shown below.

use DB;

Step 2: Use a Stored Procedure

Next, use the stored procedure using the DB::select query in Laravel. Consider the code snippet below.

$getEmail = DB::select('get_user_email(?,?,?),array("user_name","email")')

Here, ‘get_user_email’ is the name of the stored procedure you created in PHPMyAdmin, and user_name and email are the two parameters it requires to execute the stored procedure. The ‘?’ denotes a placeholder for the parameters, and $getEmail will return the results of the stored procedure.

You can adjust the code above, and alter the parameters to get varying results set from the stored procedure.